However, we do understand that you will have users that have no choice but to join in the browser and here are some tips that you not be aware of when working with users in the browser. In addition, the desktop application bring many benefits such as the ability to screen share, displays all live web camera streams, there are no browser permissions that need to be configured and the it allows easier configurations of your speakers and audio. The application sits within it own stable container, which means its not dependent on your browser’s stability and individual settings. We would recommend that when using Connect 11 in standard view that you still encourage your users to join in the application found here. Whilst the browser experience is good the application is better and requires less configurations. It installs automatically when you install your first Creative Cloud app. Adobe Connect Desktop is an AIR application that lets you manage meetings and recordings locally, with or without a web connection.

install apps, share files, find fonts and Adobe Stock assets, set preferences, and more all from the Creative Cloud desktop app. Adobe Desktop Widget - Connect - PI Connect - Re-Connect - Connect VD. Now that you have turned on standard view, you will find that users will get presented with the option to join in the browser or join in the application. Download Adobe Creative Cloud for free and get access to everything Creative Cloud has to offer, right from your desktop.